Winner of PSANZ
Inspirational Speaker of the Year 2012
I’m a Speaker, Facilitator of Change, Executive Leadership Coach, and Author. I’m an expert in the area of leadership development, culture change and team building, and coaching leaders to become outstanding coaches for their people themselves through understanding the new paradigm for Effortless Leadership.
For several years having gained the Cordon Bleu diploma in the UK, I followed a cooking career. This included being a senior instructor at the London Cordon Bleu School and a personal chef to the rich and famous in different countries. I then changed careers (after a serious ski accident) and spent several years in Tokyo Japan, where I was a successful property sales consultant, and then worked for the largest transformational leadership training company in Japan and Asia.
After immigrating to New Zealand I co-founded a transformational leadership business. In 1997, on a research trip to the USA, I was introduced to a new paradigm for leadership and resilience– a principle-based understanding that explains what underlies ALL human experience.
The insights I had during this research made everything else I knew about transformational change redundant. There was no going back to work with previous methodologies. Since then I have used only this new paradigm in working with clients.
The results through this simple but profound understanding of how the mind works have been enlightening and revolutionary. She likens it to having her gall bladder removed years ago whilst living in Japan.
“It was a major operation, extremely painful and I took months to recover. My surgeon was described as being like a Swiss craftsman as he sewed me together! Today, the same operation is so simple, far less painful and there is a quick recovery. A surgeon today would not do the operation the ‘old way’. Why make life harder than necessary? Even attaining mindfulness requires techniques and doing. Life is designed to be easier so you can achieve more in less time, be calmer, more resilient, more productive and more creative”.

Rosemary Hume, Founder and Principal of Le Cordon Bleu London briefing instructors - Gilly on her left