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We’ve had a number of our leadership team go through Gilly's Turning Leadership Inside Out and Emerging Leaders courses. We’ve enjoyed our training and had some positive outcomes.  Our leaders are now more in control and have a clearer state of mind. We have learnt that our thinking can be helpful however it can also get in the way, In situations we now try to avoid limiting our thinking by having a predetermined solution, we are more open minded and tend to think in the moment.
Derek Pinkerton, Manufacturing Executive, Gallagher Group


“By attending the Effortless leadership workshop a very powerful insight was created for me.  This insight helped me understand why I am feeling a certain way and that it is ok to feel that way.  I am now able to keep calm by not thinking about specific things and then deal with it at a later stage if necessary.  Gilly is great to deal with and delivers the understanding of this powerful insight in a very relaxed and easy manner.  The coaching sessions meant that I was able to discuss my development and I found this to be very valuable.  Thanks Gilly.”
Amanda Beeslaar, Head of Retirement Products, Aon New Zealand


“I thoroughly enjoyed Gilly’s “Turning Leadership Inside-Out” course .  The material is powerful and thought provoking.  The understanding it brings allows for instant change.  It redefines how we operate as leaders. I would recommend this course for everyone”.
Alexia Matich, Web, Mobile & eCommerce Manager, Auckland Council

“Turning leadership Inside-Out has been one of the most enjoyable and valuable courses that I had the pleasure to attend. The insights gained are masterful and the materials covered have helped me to lead effortlessly.”
Janif Mohammed, Geospatial Operations, Auckland Council


“The big difference between Gilly’s and other ‘management/leadership’ companies I have used, is that the approach is based is on fundamental paradigms, whereas a lot of other companies are purely “technique” based, which at-best leads to short-term solutions”
Joe McDaid, Formerly Country Manager, Nokia. Present Head of Global Services – UK and Ireland





“This wasn't another management course. This was unique as I have applied this in work and
home life. From this I have become a clearer listener and I now understand the shadow I cast.
I highly recommend this programme.”
Supervisor, Plastics industry

“The Emerging leaders programme opened my eyes to the creative possibilities I have as I walk
into every situation. It’s a thrilling feeling to get real insights into how some of the basic assumptions I’ve had till now are flawed… and I keep having new insights which is great!”
Caet Peterson Sales Manager, Mokum Textiles, Australia

“This Programme has not only changed the culture and dynamics in my Branch quite dramatically and very noticeably, but it has also reduced my stress levels and helped in all other relationships in my life. By leading from the inside out, and being in the moment, I have seen not only the impact on me, but also others around me, and that is truly powerful.”
Frances Christie, Branch Manager, Aon New Zealand

“I was expecting a black and white management course where you walked away with a certificate and yet another brand of interpersonal management practices plus another set of warm /fuzzy acronyms thrown in to forget later. The experience was the opposite, it wasn’t yet another branded management course, it was a unique leadership workshop which the emphasis is on me. The workshop was a journey into what I do, how I feel and how all the combinations translate to how I am received. Through a lot of the self-awareness coaching with Gilly, and tuning into receiving others, has helped me develop a lot into a better leader. The programme has developed me into a far clearer listener, further more to the point a clearer thinker, and from a business sense a more productive leader. I personally learnt more about myself, in and out of the business, that I never expected to experience! I recommend that every emerging or established person in any leadership role attend one of these life changing workshops as it will change your life inside and out of work”.

Ryan Cairns, Formerly Engineering Technican, General Cable. Now  - Blending & Canning Technician Synlait Milk Ltd.


“Gilly’s workshop for emerging leaders is different from the other workshops on leadership. The no-fix-agenda styled workshops distinguishes between a manager and a leader and goes to address the question of what makes a good leader. The Inside-out approach is useful not only in workplace but in personal life as well. After workshops, you’re not left without support, the follow-up one on one sessions, help you use the ‘lens’ in practical life and make you an inside-out-approach practitioner.”
Dan Ellis, IT Information Services, Local Government, Auckland

“The Emerging Leaders programme has helped me, as a young manager, eliminate some of the frustrations and anxieties through a focus that our thoughts are coming from our own thinking rather than external factors. There were also many other tools that we can apply to our never ending learning journey in management such as keeping a clear mind, trusting the first instinct, acting on our thoughts to produce desired outcomes, and it’s okay that we don’t know everything”.
Cameron Rolls, Finance Manager


“I found Gilly to be very personable, approachable and extremely helpful in her guidance over the period following the workshop. Leadership can mean different things to different people and this course can help you clarify exactly what that means to you.”
Chris Procter, Exports Account Manager, LyondellBassell, Australia


“The Emerging Leaders Programme has been of huge benefit to me both personally and professionally. My ability to handle adversity has increased dramatically and my stress levels have gone down. I’m a much better listener now and find myself able to reach win-win solutions which work for all parties. I would highly recommend this programme”.

Rachel Barker, formerly Fisher & Paykel Healthcare, current CEO Plastics New Zealand

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