I have found Gilly’s work to be of the highest standard with noticeable results in the improvement in work related performance, but also the personal development of the individuals concerned. Gilly tailors her approach for each individual based on their specific needs and works with them over a set program of one on one coaching clinics to realize their full potential and leadership. Feedback from staff who have worked with Gilly has also been positive with often the relationship maintained on an informal basis on completion of formal coaching programme
Matt Casbolt, Managing Director, Supply Chain Industry
It was with your coaching and guidance that helped me turnaround my situation, if it wasn’t for you I would still be living in the past and wondering “what if”!
Lee Silvester, Senior Manager, Transport Industry
The insight gained of understanding my thinking has had a profound effect on my work and the teams that I manage. So often we know that something is wrong, either with our own performance or the way the team is working, but don’t know how to address it. Through understanding the way our thinking affects the world we create, we can produce the most amazing results.
Mark Jamieson, Programme Director, Software Industry
I had the pleasure of working with Gilly as part of a senior leadership workshop run by her. Her engaging and supportive style really challenged my perspective on what “excellent leadership” looks like in action. Through her coaching and support my ability to listen effectively and act in a timely and courageous manner in difficult situations resulted in a marked improvement in my effectiveness as a leader. The performance of the senior team was dramatically enhanced by improved individual and team self awareness. To this day I still successfully engage the techniques that Gilly shared with me and truly believe her coaching results in better business outcomes overall.
Patricia Kirby, Sales and Marketing Director, Global Pharmaceutical Company
I guess the most profound difference for me personally, is the fact that I am so much more comfortable with other people than I ever have been – or ever thought possible. The approach not only freed my analytical mind to think more clearly, but more importantly it was based on using the innate strengths I already had. I could stop feeling as though I was “broken” and needed fixing. In fact, I don’t feel as though I’ve had to change “me” at all –I am feeling more confident about the journey ahead. I like the fact that I can still feel true to myself yet have a new respect for people that don’t share the same truths that I do. I really like having a calm state of mind. Or at least knowing it is always an option!
Joy Millar, Senior Manager, Banking Industry
Gilly made me realise that I was dealing with things from the outside-in rather than from the inside-out. This fundamental insight into the way I was thinking about things made me realise that if I was to ever move away from being consistently stressed and uptight about what was happening around me, I needed to build the inner strength to fortify me against anything that was happening outside my control. By the end of the coaching sessions, I had made this fundamental change in thought process, having gained the inner-strength through Gilly’s support.
Joe McDaid, Country Manager, Communications Industry
I’ve had the chance to work with Gilly on one a one basis a couple times over the last 10 or so years and recently Gilly has worked with my Regional Sales Mangers. Without doubt the transformation of my teams communication and leadership skills have far exceeded my expectation it has been a truly enlightening experience for all involved. Gilly has been instrumental in changing our culture and mode of operating, she is a regular guest speaker at our annual sales conferences. I value her input immensely and look forward to working with her for many years to come.
Jeff La Haye, General Manager, Plastics Industry